Friday, December 12, 2008


marx' birthday bash earlier on. super blessed shit lah that guy hahahaha. he is damn retarded but very cute when he is! HAHA. pictures.... soon. too damn many picturesssssssssss. ughhh. hahaha. hate to upload!!! mad's birthday today, HAPPY BIRTHDAY MADDY! (since its past 12.) meeting her and belinda for dinner. hehehehehe excited :D seems like alot of birthdays in December.................
acer show's off. guess i shall bring forward the stayover at woodlands+fallout. CANT WAITTTTTT. but ugh i gotta work, like, soon. next week seems pretty packed. sentosa, danzation, flea, andre's party? oh man. still have to get him a present DIE i dont know what omg zara vouchers? HAHA.


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