Friday, February 06, 2009


Dear Mrs Chew,
I'm pretty fond of you.
Such a lovely teacher
you've got to meet her.

Many thinking tools,
they're all pretty cool,
let me clear your doubts
of what they're all about.

Six Thinking Hats,
I've learned in CATS.
The Red Dot Museum
had nothing like that

I also learned about
the Evaluation Matrix
it helps me sometimes,
otherwise i'd hate it.

Lotus Blossom
it's kind of awesome
expanding all my thoughts
into a big cohort

The URA Centre
showed us the past and future
The maps of Singapore
were really hard core (I want to see somemore!)

This comes to the end
of my cool rhyme
If I wrote anymore
you'd have to pay for my time.

poem i concocted for yule's CATS hahahahaha damn weird. amazing how i didnt write a poem for my own last time. i miss... English.


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