Friday, March 27, 2009

yes i am pretty psyched over the music-playing tail-wagging light-flashing ear-flapping foot-tapping dog :D
went to join ken yule hs and jy for their bboy practise today haha. I CAN DO BABY FREEZE YAY. LOL. they helped me though. but i tried earlier on and succeeded for a bit HAHA. YAY satisfaction man. someday i shall do a flare + cricket HAHAHAHAHA okay not likely. and there were these fairfield primary kids who came to ask us to dance with them Lol fun stuff. K-KHOR WAS ONE OF THE GROUP'S LEADERS OMG SUPER, SUPER COINCIDENTALLLLLLL. HAHAHA.
'Your gummy's = our saviour in times of crisis. I feel like im digesting my stomach walls alr'
i am such a sweet-saint :~D

after that went down to bugis to meet samantha, then down to cine to meet aaron steve and david! had sakae teppenyaki for dinner, then caught Race to Witch Mountain. not bad, i'd say.

samantha: I think I'm a bad photographer........... (she tried to capture the fire that came when the chef was cooking the beef but failed terribly HAHAHAHAHA at least it Looks something like a fire...)



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