Wednesday, August 13, 2008

tired tired tired! school-less day are still so busy.
some updates: cut my hair on sunday. freaking short fringe now. ack. haha. anyway i trust Jason's taste/foresight...... i guess.

i look kinda creepy D:
brendy waiting for his turn..
my new hair! with temp curls. haha. who wants to sponsor my hair perming?

with mommm o_O?

still playing PSP!!! seems like its a good scheme to let kids play with your PSP while you cut their hair. haha. no wonder my aunt likes this hairdresser. :D i'm starting to like him too!
Me: Let me take a picture!
Bren: Hurry lah >:{
giving me sulky face cause i couldnt get a good shot :z
went home and totally got obsessed with the curly hair thing. (now brendan's calling me CURLY HAIR) so i asked my aunt and she dug out some old hair curlers and i tried putting them on. haha. i put one on brendan and he kept screaming GET IT OFF GET IT OFF!!

being nice and posing for a picture for me :)


monday! met sam at clementi for breakfast, we both shared porridge. then went off to do our stock buying and all that. haha.


please support!
after that went to her house to take pictures and stuff. subway for lunch. then homeee.

tuesday! Emily was supposed to go for the focus group discussion with me.. it was a buddy discussion but she had some important stuff to attend so i had to go alone... took quite some time to find the place -.- walked down the wrong street.

AMOY STREET 89B SAFFRON HILL RESEARCH, i love this place. went there and then they told me and another two girls that we werent selected but we'll still get half the incentive. woo. took my money and left. HAPPY HAPPY :) :) :)

after that took the train, wanted to go to cine but once again i thought cine was at orchard mrt (i ALWAYS mix up orchard and somerset mrt.) so i alighted and oh well since i was at orchard might as well pop by f21 :D

and just when i was feeling kinda sad cause i didnt see anything that i liked...

S.S. STRIPED TOP. HOHO. grabbed immediately and tried even though it was like M. a little big but well fine to me. i wanted to get this from online but when i wanted to get, OOS. WTF. AND NOW I HAVE IT. OMGGGGGGGGGG hearts hearts hearts
i like it! bought, then mom called and told me that she wanted to get more of the pens that we bought last time (cute pens in shapes of icecream/fruits/flowers/etc.) and the store happens to be at wisma. haha. soooo i went up and negotiated with the person and bought 40 of them and had to walk to taka to draw money cause the atm at wisma was spoilt. then after that was done walked down to cine for my original motive of going to town.. get Mrs Fields cookies for my aunt! they didn't have the small ones left so i bought the normal sized ones and some other um Nibbles thingy and one chocolate donut. sadly when i got home at 10+ they were all sleeping -.- bren was awake but he had 'already brushed his teeth' haha.

so goes the story of the past three days of my life! this morning i went to the PAP downstairs to do some relief work from 8-11.
#1 It sucks having to wake up so early. hahaha. but it was alright i guess!
#2 I think I'm kind of... need to totally know whats going on if not im very blur and i dont know what im supposed to do. The principal told me the overall lesson plan but i wasn't very sure about the procedures. like the 'leader' and 'weather' person. hahaha.
#3 There are lots, and lots, and lots of weird children.

there was a one who kept telling me that his eye was itchy and kept asking for tissue and to go to the toilet to wet the tissue.
and another boy called gerard (i think) who was like.. emo.. and everyone was supposed to sit on the floor for reading time and he sat on a chair.
Me: Why are you sitting on the chair? Did I say you can sit on the chair?
Boy: Umm.. I use the seat belt then I injured my knee.... (something like that)
Me: Then?!
Boy: [tries to explain story in a very sadpuppy-like tone]

and another two noisy kids called Gurpal and Bradley. these two kept noising with each other. chasing each other. hitting each other's butt. THANK GOD to the other class' teacher who came to use the computer and helped me to punish them by making them stand at opposite walls.

and a girl called Kai something, i think Kai Jie? who was super helpful kind and like trying to act teacher :@:@:@ ARGH okay she was kind of helpful like she told me what they usually do but HEY IM SUPPOSED TO BE THE TEACHER!!! she kept taking my tambourine (we shake it in a certain rhythm to get them to keep quiet) and stuff.

and some girl i dont know whats her name. i think ying jie. her english isn't very good and i think she's a bit slow, so when i was teaching then to cut out shapes on their origami paper she kept asking me how to do heart shape (they were all amazed at my heart shape :D:D:D) and like. yaaaa its okay to teach her but she just gives me a really creepy feeling D: LOL. she's fine, just creepy. hahaha.

ATHENA (she wrote her name on the paper but i dont know who she is LOL) DREW ME A PICTURE!!!!!!!! woo

and my favourite is this boy called Adrian. he is REALLY cute :) with little frecklish stuff and told me that there were fish shapes on the origami cuttings. and he said he liked fish and liked eating fish. HAHA.

it was so difficult trying to get them to gather after their activities.... its like.. a flock of... birds? i catch some and put them on the ground and run off to catch another bunch and when im back WTF the previous batch is flying again. -.- -.- -.-

oh well it was a very good experience i guess! and im kinda inspired by the teacher person.(thank you!) haha. whoa once she came in and yelled everyone kept quiet. and she did the SILENCE CLAP. WOAH!! *inspired*

okay now i have to try (very hard) to study for MIEC and ITB. 15th and 16th! please talk to me if you have tips!!!!! :D
**esp Cheryl Ee. and maybe Serene. Hahahahaha.


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