Thursday, October 22, 2009

give me a cureeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

oh god, i've always thought that i could be.. independent? but fuck, nobody can survive without some help. it's not that i think negatively, i just think in a very realistic way because maybe i've been through... enough to know that not everything's gonna work out the way you want it to all the time. even if you've got all the passion in the world, some things are just beyond reach. sucks that my group leader's a loser (i think you're a loser if you think calling people up is more effective than broadcasting the event on facebook) like wtf? just because you dont use facebook doesnt mean it isnt one of the best social networking systems til date. it may be true that the minority holds the majority, but the majority, being the majority, still makes up the bigger portion. and it doesnt help at all that the two other members are losers (i think you're a loser if you've probably never even gotten into a real fight before and think you're cool just because you, or was it your friend(s)?, punched a guy in a mask when you went to a horror house) (&the other member's just a walking disaster. nerd alert much?) was so. ugh. i didn't even want to argue anymore in the later part. i think my tutor would agree with me. DIGRESSING. HAHA. i'm so sorry.

was almost in tears when i met serene kell and elle at canteen 3 after my IS. grr. oh well, had a fun day out with s, kell and cindy! :) i am such a lazy faggot ugh i need to upload some pictures!!!!!!!!!!!! hahahaha. just realised i haven't had any pictures up for a damn long time. okay, i'll put a few...... tomorrow................. really tired now! bathe and heading to bed.

my best consolation for the night was brendan's gummybears and talking shit with him again as usual. haha. he's the only one who believes me, all the time. sometimes i feel bad for lying to him that i can clone myself and all....................... :z

goodnight!! xx
just know that you're always on my mind ღ


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