Monday, September 28, 2009


sakae teppenyaki w baby for 11 months :)

cui only his phototaking shakyy hahah looks like someone has an even worse case of alzhiemer's than Emily!!!!! its okay i still love you :D
after which, caught Gamer!
zomg Gerard Butler hahaha ehhh i guess it's a little far-fetched but still a movie that i wanted to watch and would want to watch.. Perks of having a girlfriend that plays computer games? hahaha else i'd probably be forcing him to watch G-Force!!!!!!! (FYI I have not watched it yet but that might not be a bad thing)

for Mr Xue
Hope you enjoyed dinner baby! Despite the things that've happened, I'm just glad we've made it this far and it's most gratifying to hear you say things like what you said today - we're more loving than before. I love you in the most indescribable way and I know you do too. Thank you for keeping us together! Only one more month to a whole year spent with you <3

Other random highlights

Sarah's gone to brisbane to study law....... for fuckin' 6 years!!!!! :( gonna miss her! miss the times we went jamming and ice skating and stuff. haha. weiyiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ohmannn.

card + collation of messages fr friends made by sheena
Sheena Sarah Me Weiyi <3

Sarah: No, Cheryl. You can't take the sheep!
dinner w samantha aaron and her parents at JUMBO
by the time i remembered to take a picture of the chilli crab it was finished HAHA more picts with samantha, another time!


cool shit i have finally mastered blythe omgggggggggg yesssssssssssssss :) and thanks to Joyce and Anita babies for the ice cream at work when i wasn't in the best of moods!
Mentsu has been.. real boring. Transferred (again) to Tampines Century Square's Mary Chia outlet for next week. Schedule sucks but ugh how can i complain?! another 3 weeks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! &@^#*&!@^#
blah blah blah i am so tired i dont even want to tell you the story haha just view the pictures. kthx.


basically this was at Japanese Garden (i was initially supposed to meet them at Kranji where they were fishing but it was fly-infested) so yes we came here to bbq some stuff on twigs and fire starters (survival much?) and amazingly they were edible. thats all. HAHA.

Saturday, September 26, 2009


Small and Brendan went back to Sydney two weeks back :( hopefully they'll come back soon, some dust storms raging in Eastern Aus.

his luggage is almost as tall as him haha
yes, all three are hers. (don't ask me why they're all pink!)
Dinner at Crystal Jade

XLB (serene are you reading this!)
this crispy noodle thing like nice. haha.

cuteee :)

Posing for the Paparazzi hahah

somehow this picture reminds me of Tyra group shot!
Left to Right:
Andre (my brother), Me, Mom, Brendan below her, Aunt Judy aka Small, Grandma, Pek Wei, her mom Aunt Atalie, Hong Yang, Uncle David

she's almost like my second mommy.


Tuesday, September 22, 2009

hold on tight

i couldnt find a tree fat like me



Monday, September 21, 2009

i resolve to:

be skinny(er). like. 44kg. currently about 46-47. lose the arm/tummy/thigh fat. i weigh myself everyday at work.
grow stronger/some muscle/fitter.
stop looking at clothes that i cant buy.
earn money to buy these clothes.
wallow in misery.
sleep at 12.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

REBEL 1109

im on patron, tequila
by the end of the night imma have you drunk and throwing up
by the end of the night imma have you so fucked up!

we're out of controlcause we want it all
we're so dangerous

somebody call 911
taking back my love i wanna be with youuuuuu
thanks fr coming down to save meeeeee